
TBSDKRequestProgressProtocol.h 1.7KB

  1. // '########'########::'######:'########:'##:::'##:
  2. // ... ##..::##.... ##'##... ##:##.... ##:##::'##::
  3. // ::: ##::::##:::: ##:##:::..::##:::: ##:##:'##:::
  4. // ::: ##::::########:. ######::##:::: ##:#####::::
  5. // ::: ##::::##.... ##:..... ##:##:::: ##:##. ##:::
  6. // ::: ##::::##:::: ##'##::: ##:##:::: ##:##:. ##::
  7. // ::: ##::::########:. ######::########::##::. ##:
  8. // :::..::::........:::......::........::..::::..::
  9. //
  10. // Created by 亿刀/禚来强 on 13-7-10.
  11. // Copyright (c) 2013年 亿刀/禚来强. All rights reserved.
  12. //
  13. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  14. @class TBSDKRequest;
  15. @protocol TBSDKRequestProgressProtocol <NSObject>
  16. @optional
  17. - (void)setProgress:(float)newProgress;
  18. // Called when the request receives some data - bytes is the length of that data
  19. - (void)request:(TBSDKRequest *)request didReceiveBytes:(long long)bytes;
  20. // Called when the request sends some data
  21. // The first 32KB (128KB on older platforms) of data sent is not included in this amount because of limitations with the CFNetwork API
  22. // bytes may be less than zero if a request needs to remove upload progress (probably because the request needs to run again)
  23. - (void)request:(TBSDKRequest *)request didSendBytes:(long long)bytes;
  24. // Called when a request needs to change the length of the content to download
  25. - (void)request:(TBSDKRequest *)request incrementDownloadSizeBy:(long long)newLength;
  26. // Called when a request needs to change the length of the content to upload
  27. // newLength may be less than zero when a request needs to remove the size of the internal buffer from progress tracking
  28. - (void)request:(TBSDKRequest *)request incrementUploadSizeBy:(long long)newLength;
  29. @end