HMSegmentedControl === [![Pod Version](]( [![Pod Platform](]( [![Pod License](]( A drop-in replacement for UISegmentedControl mimicking the style of the segmented control used in Google Currents and various other Google products. # Features - Supports both text and images - Support horizontal scrolling - Supports advanced title styling with text attributes for font, color, kerning, shadow, etc. - Supports selection indicator both on top and bottom - Supports blocks - Works with ARC and iOS >= 7 # Installation ### CocoaPods The easiest way of installing HMSegmentedControl is via [CocoaPods]( ``` pod 'HMSegmentedControl' ``` ### Old-fashioned way - Add `HMSegmentedControl.h` and `HMSegmentedControl.m` to your project. - Add `QuartzCore.framework` to your linked frameworks. - `#import "HMSegmentedControl.h"` where you want to add the control. # Usage The code below will create a segmented control with the default looks: ``` objective-c HMSegmentedControl *segmentedControl = [[HMSegmentedControl alloc] initWithSectionTitles:@[@"One", @"Two", @"Three"]]; segmentedControl.frame = CGRectMake(10, 10, 300, 60); [segmentedControl addTarget:self action:@selector(segmentedControlChangedValue:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged]; [self.view addSubview:segmentedControl]; ``` Included is a demo project showing how to fully customise the control. ![HMSegmentedControl]( # Change log * v1.5 * Adds advanced styling support for default and selected state with ability to customize kerning, shadow, stroke color and width, ligature, baseline offset, paragraph style, etc. * A few of the control style attributes can now be customized using `UIAppearance`. * Adds ability to specify a border type, color and width. * Drops support for older iOS versions. Now works with iOS 7 and above. * Lots of bug fixes. * v1.4 * Lots of bug fixes * Add AutoLayout support * Adds HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleArrow * Adds support for non-animated selections. * Adds support for custom box layer opacity. * Add support for multi-line labels on iOS 7+ * Updated documentation in header file * v1.3.0 * Introducing horizontal scrolling via `scrollEnabled` property. Check example project * Adds XIB/Storyboard support * Fixes deprecations when building with iOS 7 SDK * Updates example project to support iOS 7 * Code refactoring and cleanup * v1.2.0 * Added new selection indicator style: HMSelectionIndicatorBox * Added ability to set text colour for selected segment (thanks to [@jmkr]( * Segment titles are now added in a separate CATextLayer, and images are drawn in a separate CALayer * Calls to index change block/selector now happen before the animation starts * Lots of code refactoring and clean up * v1.1.0 (merged pull request from [@jacksonpan]( * Added image support * Support for changing selection indicator position * v1.0.0 * Initial release # Apps using HMSegmentedControl If you are using HMSegmentedControl in your app or know of an app that uses it, please add it to [this list]( # License HMSegmentedControl is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the [LICENSE]( file for full details. If this code was helpful, I would love to hear from you. [@HeshamMegid]( [](