Bez popisu

EMPushOptions.h 3.3KB

  1. /*!
  2. * \~chinese
  3. * @header EMPushOptions.h
  4. * @abstract 消息推送的设置选项
  5. * @author Hyphenate
  6. * @version 3.00
  7. *
  8. * \~english
  9. * @header EMPushOptions.h
  10. * @abstract Setting options of Apple Push Notification
  11. * @author Hyphenate
  12. * @version 3.00
  13. */
  14. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  15. #define kPushNickname @"nickname"
  16. #define kPushDisplayStyle @"notification_display_style"
  17. #define kPushNoDisturbing @"notification_no_disturbing"
  18. #define kPushNoDisturbingStartH @"notification_no_disturbing_start"
  19. #define kPushNoDisturbingStartM @"notification_no_disturbing_startM"
  20. #define kPushNoDisturbingEndH @"notification_no_disturbing_end"
  21. #define kPushNoDisturbingEndM @"notification_no_disturbing_endM"
  22. /*!
  23. * \~chinese
  24. * 推送消息的显示风格
  25. *
  26. * \~english
  27. * Display style of push message
  28. */
  29. typedef enum
  30. {
  31. EMPushDisplayStyleSimpleBanner = 0, /*!
  32. * \~chinese
  33. * 简单显示"您有一条新消息"
  34. *
  35. * \~english
  36. * Simply show "You have a new message"
  37. */
  38. EMPushDisplayStyleMessageSummary, /*!
  39. * \~chinese
  40. * 显示消息内容
  41. *
  42. * \~english
  43. * Show message's content
  44. */
  45. }EMPushDisplayStyle;
  46. /*!
  47. * \~chinese
  48. * 推送免打扰设置的状态
  49. *
  50. * \~english
  51. * Status of Push Notification no-disturb setting
  52. */
  53. typedef enum{
  54. EMPushNoDisturbStatusDay = 0, /*! \~chinese 全天免打扰 \~english The whole day */
  55. EMPushNoDisturbStatusCustom, /*! \~chinese 自定义时间段免打扰 \~english User defined period */
  56. EMPushNoDisturbStatusClose, /*! \~chinese 关闭免打扰 \~english Close no-disturb mode */
  57. }EMPushNoDisturbStatus;
  58. /*!
  59. * \~chinese
  60. * 消息推送的设置选项
  61. *
  62. * \~english
  63. * Apple Push Notification setting options
  64. */
  65. @interface EMPushOptions : NSObject
  66. /*!
  67. * \~chinese
  68. * 推送消息显示的昵称
  69. *
  70. * \~english
  71. * User's nickname to be displayed in apple push notification service messages
  72. */
  73. @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *displayName;
  74. /*!
  75. * \~chinese
  76. * 推送消息显示的类型
  77. *
  78. * \~english
  79. * Display style of notification message
  80. */
  81. @property (nonatomic) EMPushDisplayStyle displayStyle;
  82. /*!
  83. * \~chinese
  84. * 消息推送的免打扰设置
  85. *
  86. * \~english
  87. * No disturbing setting of notification message
  88. */
  89. @property (nonatomic) EMPushNoDisturbStatus noDisturbStatus;
  90. /*!
  91. * \~chinese
  92. * 消息推送免打扰开始时间,小时,暂时只支持整点(小时)
  93. *
  94. * \~english
  95. * No disturbing mode start time (in hour)
  96. */
  97. @property (nonatomic) NSInteger noDisturbingStartH;
  98. /*!
  99. * \~chinese
  100. * 消息推送免打扰结束时间,小时,暂时只支持整点(小时)
  101. *
  102. * \~english
  103. * No disturbing mode end time (in hour)
  104. */
  105. @property (nonatomic) NSInteger noDisturbingEndH;
  106. #pragma mark - EM_DEPRECATED_IOS
  107. @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *nickname __deprecated_msg("Use - displayName");
  108. @end