setAppKey ( "Your appKey" ); $exampleFacade->setSecKey ( "Your appSecret" ); $exampleFacade->setServerHost ( "server host" ); //you need change this refresh token when you run this example. $testRefreshToken ="6291ea7b-8658-4cea-9e45-b880d66e2d11"; try { // --------------------------first example starting---------------------------------- $param = new ExampleFamilyGetParam (); $param->setFamilyNumber ( 1 ); $exampleFamilyGetResult = new ExampleFamilyGetResult (); $exampleFacade->exampleFamilyGet ( $param, $exampleFamilyGetResult ); $exampleFamily = $exampleFamilyGetResult->getResult (); echo "ExampleFamilyGet call get the result, the familyNumber is "; echo $exampleFamilyGetResult->getResult ()->getFamilyNumber (); echo " and the name of father is "; echo $exampleFamilyGetResult->getResult ()->getFather ()->getName (); echo ", the birthday of fanther is "; echo $exampleFamilyGetResult->getResult ()->getFather ()->getBirthday (); echo "
"; // ----------------------------first example end------------------------------------- // --------------------------second example starting---------------------------------- $exampleFamilyPostParam = new ExampleFamilyPostParam (); // set the simple parameter $exampleFamilyPostParam->setComments ( "SDK Example" ); // set a complex domain as parameter $exampleFamily = new ExampleFamily (); $exampleFamily->setFamilyNumber ( 12 ); $exampleFather = new ExamplePerson (); $exampleFather->setAge ( 31 ); $exampleFather->setBirthday ( "19780312101010000" ); $exampleFather->setName ( "John" ); $exampleFamily->setFather ( $exampleFather ); $exampleFamilyPostParam->setFamily ( $exampleFamily ); // simulate the feature of upload image. $fileContent = file_get_contents ( "example.png" ); $houseImg = new ByteArray (); $houseImg->setBytesValue ( $fileContent ); $exampleFamilyPostParam->setHouseImg ( $houseImg ); $authorizationToken = $exampleFacade->refreshToken($testRefreshToken); echo "refresh token:"; echo $authorizationToken->getAccessToken(); echo "
"; $exampleFamilyPostResult = new ExampleFamilyPostResult (); $exampleFacade->exampleFamilyPost ( $exampleFamilyPostParam, $authorizationToken->getAccessToken(), $exampleFamilyPostResult ); echo "ExampleFamilyPost call get the result, the descriptin of result is "; echo $exampleFamilyPostResult->getResultDesc (); echo "
"; echo "ExampleFamilyPost call get the result, the father name upset is "; echo $exampleFamilyPostResult->getResult ()->getFather ()->getName (); // --------------------------second example starting---------------------------------- } catch ( OceanException $ex ) { echo "Exception occured with code["; echo $ex->getErrorCode (); echo "] message ["; echo $ex->getMessage (); echo "]."; } ?>