onFulfilled = $onFulfilled; $this->onRejected = $onRejected; if ($queue) { call_user_func_array([$this, 'append'], $queue); } } public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, array $options) { if (!$this->queue) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException('Mock queue is empty'); } if (isset($options['delay'])) { usleep($options['delay'] * 1000); } $this->lastRequest = $request; $this->lastOptions = $options; $response = array_shift($this->queue); if (is_callable($response)) { $response = $response($request, $options); } $response = $response instanceof \Exception ? new RejectedPromise($response) : \GuzzleHttp\Promise\promise_for($response); return $response->then( function ($value) use ($request, $options) { $this->invokeStats($request, $options, $value); if ($this->onFulfilled) { call_user_func($this->onFulfilled, $value); } return $value; }, function ($reason) use ($request, $options) { $this->invokeStats($request, $options, null, $reason); if ($this->onRejected) { call_user_func($this->onRejected, $reason); } return new RejectedPromise($reason); } ); } /** * Adds one or more variadic requests, exceptions, callables, or promises * to the queue. */ public function append() { foreach (func_get_args() as $value) { if ($value instanceof ResponseInterface || $value instanceof \Exception || $value instanceof PromiseInterface || is_callable($value) ) { $this->queue[] = $value; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expected a response or ' . 'exception. Found ' . \GuzzleHttp\describe_type($value)); } } } /** * Get the last received request. * * @return RequestInterface */ public function getLastRequest() { return $this->lastRequest; } /** * Get the last received request options. * * @return RequestInterface */ public function getLastOptions() { return $this->lastOptions; } /** * Returns the number of remaining items in the queue. * * @return int */ public function count() { return count($this->queue); } private function invokeStats( RequestInterface $request, array $options, ResponseInterface $response = null, $reason = null ) { if (isset($options['on_stats'])) { $stats = new TransferStats($request, $response, 0, $reason); call_user_func($options['on_stats'], $stats); } } }