* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Cursor; /** * CliDumper dumps variables for command line output. * * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class CliDumper extends AbstractDumper { public static $defaultColors; public static $defaultOutput = 'php://stdout'; protected $colors; protected $maxStringWidth = 0; protected $styles = array( // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#graphics 'default' => '38;5;208', 'num' => '1;38;5;38', 'const' => '1;38;5;208', 'str' => '1;38;5;113', 'cchr' => '7', 'note' => '38;5;38', 'ref' => '38;5;247', 'public' => '', 'protected' => '', 'private' => '', 'meta' => '38;5;170', 'key' => '38;5;113', 'index' => '38;5;38', ); protected static $controlCharsRx = '/[\x00-\x1F\x7F]/'; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function __construct($output = null, $charset = null) { parent::__construct($output, $charset); if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR && false !== @getenv('ANSICON')) { // Use only the base 16 xterm colors when using ANSICON $this->setStyles(array( 'default' => '31', 'num' => '1;34', 'const' => '1;31', 'str' => '1;32', 'note' => '34', 'ref' => '1;30', 'meta' => '35', 'key' => '32', 'index' => '34', )); } } /** * Enables/disables colored output. * * @param bool $colors */ public function setColors($colors) { $this->colors = (bool) $colors; } /** * Sets the maximum number of characters per line for dumped strings. * * @param int $maxStringWidth */ public function setMaxStringWidth($maxStringWidth) { if (function_exists('iconv')) { $this->maxStringWidth = (int) $maxStringWidth; } } /** * Configures styles. * * @param array $styles A map of style names to style definitions. */ public function setStyles(array $styles) { $this->styles = $styles + $this->styles; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dumpScalar(Cursor $cursor, $type, $value) { $this->dumpKey($cursor); $style = 'const'; $attr = array(); switch ($type) { case 'integer': $style = 'num'; break; case 'double': $style = 'num'; switch (true) { case INF === $value: $value = 'INF'; break; case -INF === $value: $value = '-INF'; break; case is_nan($value): $value = 'NAN'; break; default: $value = (string) $value; if (false === strpos($value, $this->decimalPoint)) { $value .= $this->decimalPoint.'0'; } break; } break; case 'NULL': $value = 'null'; break; case 'boolean': $value = $value ? 'true' : 'false'; break; default: $attr['value'] = isset($value[0]) && !preg_match('//u', $value) ? $this->utf8Encode($value) : $value; $value = isset($type[0]) && !preg_match('//u', $type) ? $this->utf8Encode($type) : $type; break; } $this->line .= $this->style($style, $value, $attr); $this->dumpLine($cursor->depth); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dumpString(Cursor $cursor, $str, $bin, $cut) { $this->dumpKey($cursor); if ($bin) { $str = $this->utf8Encode($str); } if ('' === $str) { $this->line .= '""'; $this->dumpLine($cursor->depth); } else { $attr = array( 'length' => function_exists('iconv_strlen') && 0 <= $cut ? iconv_strlen($str, 'UTF-8') + $cut : 0, 'binary' => $bin, ); $str = explode("\n", $str); $m = count($str) - 1; $i = $lineCut = 0; if ($bin) { $this->line .= 'b'; } if ($m) { $this->line .= '"""'; $this->dumpLine($cursor->depth); } else { $this->line .= '"'; } foreach ($str as $str) { if (0 < $this->maxStringWidth && $this->maxStringWidth < $len = iconv_strlen($str, 'UTF-8')) { $str = iconv_substr($str, 0, $this->maxStringWidth, 'UTF-8'); $lineCut = $len - $this->maxStringWidth; } if ($m) { $this->line .= $this->indentPad; } $this->line .= $this->style('str', $str, $attr); if ($i++ == $m) { $this->line .= '"'; if ($m) { $this->line .= '""'; } if ($cut < 0) { $this->line .= '…'; $lineCut = 0; } elseif ($cut) { $lineCut += $cut; } } if ($lineCut) { $this->line .= '…'.$lineCut; $lineCut = 0; } $this->dumpLine($cursor->depth); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function enterHash(Cursor $cursor, $type, $class, $hasChild) { $this->dumpKey($cursor); if (!preg_match('//u', $class)) { $class = $this->utf8Encode($class); } if (Cursor::HASH_OBJECT === $type) { $prefix = 'stdClass' !== $class ? $this->style('note', $class).' {' : '{'; } elseif (Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE === $type) { $prefix = $this->style('note', ':'.$class).' {'; } else { $prefix = $class ? $this->style('note', 'array:'.$class).' [' : '['; } if ($cursor->softRefCount || 0 < $cursor->softRefHandle) { $prefix .= $this->style('ref', (Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE === $type ? '@' : '#').(0 < $cursor->softRefHandle ? $cursor->softRefHandle : $cursor->softRefTo), array('count' => $cursor->softRefCount)); } elseif ($cursor->hardRefTo && !$cursor->refIndex && $class) { $prefix .= $this->style('ref', '&'.$cursor->hardRefTo, array('count' => $cursor->hardRefCount)); } $this->line .= $prefix; if ($hasChild) { $this->dumpLine($cursor->depth); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function leaveHash(Cursor $cursor, $type, $class, $hasChild, $cut) { $this->dumpEllipsis($cursor, $hasChild, $cut); $this->line .= Cursor::HASH_OBJECT === $type || Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE === $type ? '}' : ']'; $this->dumpLine($cursor->depth); } /** * Dumps an ellipsis for cut children. * * @param Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump. * @param bool $hasChild When the dump of the hash has child item. * @param int $cut The number of items the hash has been cut by. */ protected function dumpEllipsis(Cursor $cursor, $hasChild, $cut) { if ($cut) { $this->line .= ' …'; if (0 < $cut) { $this->line .= $cut; } if ($hasChild) { $this->dumpLine($cursor->depth + 1); } } } /** * Dumps a key in a hash structure. * * @param Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump. */ protected function dumpKey(Cursor $cursor) { if (null !== $key = $cursor->hashKey) { if ($cursor->hashKeyIsBinary) { $key = $this->utf8Encode($key); } $attr = array('binary' => $cursor->hashKeyIsBinary); $bin = $cursor->hashKeyIsBinary ? 'b' : ''; $style = 'key'; switch ($cursor->hashType) { default: case Cursor::HASH_INDEXED: $style = 'index'; case Cursor::HASH_ASSOC: if (is_int($key)) { $this->line .= $this->style($style, $key).' => '; } else { $this->line .= $bin.'"'.$this->style($style, $key).'" => '; } break; case Cursor::HASH_RESOURCE: $key = "\0~\0".$key; // No break; case Cursor::HASH_OBJECT: if (!isset($key[0]) || "\0" !== $key[0]) { $this->line .= '+'.$bin.$this->style('public', $key).': '; } elseif (0 < strpos($key, "\0", 1)) { $key = explode("\0", substr($key, 1), 2); switch ($key[0]) { case '+': // User inserted keys $attr['dynamic'] = true; $this->line .= '+'.$bin.'"'.$this->style('public', $key[1], $attr).'": '; break 2; case '~': $style = 'meta'; break; case '*': $style = 'protected'; $bin = '#'.$bin; break; default: $attr['class'] = $key[0]; $style = 'private'; $bin = '-'.$bin; break; } $this->line .= $bin.$this->style($style, $key[1], $attr).': '; } else { // This case should not happen $this->line .= '-'.$bin.'"'.$this->style('private', $key, array('class' => '')).'": '; } break; } if ($cursor->hardRefTo) { $this->line .= $this->style('ref', '&'.($cursor->hardRefCount ? $cursor->hardRefTo : ''), array('count' => $cursor->hardRefCount)).' '; } } } /** * Decorates a value with some style. * * @param string $style The type of style being applied. * @param string $value The value being styled. * @param array $attr Optional context information. * * @return string The value with style decoration. */ protected function style($style, $value, $attr = array()) { if (null === $this->colors) { $this->colors = $this->supportsColors(); } $style = $this->styles[$style]; $cchr = $this->colors ? "\033[m\033[{$style};{$this->styles['cchr']}m%s\033[m\033[{$style}m" : '%s'; $value = preg_replace_callback(self::$controlCharsRx, function ($r) use ($cchr) { return sprintf($cchr, "\x7F" === $r[0] ? '?' : chr(64 + ord($r[0]))); }, $value); return $this->colors ? sprintf("\033[%sm%s\033[m\033[%sm", $style, $value, $this->styles['default']) : $value; } /** * @return bool Tells if the current output stream supports ANSI colors or not. */ protected function supportsColors() { if ($this->outputStream !== static::$defaultOutput) { return @(is_resource($this->outputStream) && function_exists('posix_isatty') && posix_isatty($this->outputStream)); } if (null !== static::$defaultColors) { return static::$defaultColors; } if (isset($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { $colors = $_SERVER['argv']; $i = count($colors); while (--$i > 0) { if (isset($colors[$i][5])) { switch ($colors[$i]) { case '--ansi': case '--color': case '--color=yes': case '--color=force': case '--color=always': return static::$defaultColors = true; case '--no-ansi': case '--color=no': case '--color=none': case '--color=never': return static::$defaultColors = false; } } } } if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { static::$defaultColors = @(false !== getenv('ANSICON') || 'ON' === getenv('ConEmuANSI')); } elseif (function_exists('posix_isatty')) { $h = stream_get_meta_data($this->outputStream) + array('wrapper_type' => null); $h = 'Output' === $h['stream_type'] && 'PHP' === $h['wrapper_type'] ? fopen('php://stdout', 'wb') : $this->outputStream; static::$defaultColors = @posix_isatty($h); } else { static::$defaultColors = false; } return static::$defaultColors; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function dumpLine($depth) { if ($this->colors) { $this->line = sprintf("\033[%sm%s\033[m", $this->styles['default'], $this->line); } parent::dumpLine($depth); } }