var token = ''; var tid = ''; var returnUrl = ''; var cityInfo = ''; var retrievePwd = ''; var qs = parseQueryString(window.location.href); var httpStr=location.href.substr(0,location.href.indexOf("?") + 1); //str得到?之前的字符串 $().ready(function() { if (qs.returnUrl) { returnUrl = qs.returnUrl; } if (qs.token) { token = qs.token; } else { showMsg('未提供token!') } if ( && qs.code) { $('.city-name').text('data-code', qs.code); } httpStr += "returnUrl=" + returnUrl; httpStr = encodeURIComponent(httpStr) console.log(httpStr) getLoginInfo(); //头部切换公积金类型 switchingType(); }); //头部切换公积金类型 function switchingType() { var btn = $("nav p"); () { console.log(cityInfo) if(cityInfo !='' && cityInfo){ window.location.href = './typeChoice.html?name=' + cityInfo.region + '&code=' + cityInfo.regionCode + (token ? ('&token=' + token) : '') + '&httpStr=' + httpStr; }else{ showMsg('获取城市信息失败:' + cityInfo.region + '公积金查询'); } }) } /** * [showMsg 提示各种错误信息,3s后消失] */ function showMsg(msg) { var msgBox = $('.alert-info'); msgBox.children('p').text(msg);; setTimeout(function() { msgBox.hide(); }, 3000); } /** * [showDialog 弹窗提示,传不同的参数提示不同的内容以及按钮的内容和点击之后的作用] * failed 任务失败,点击关闭弹窗 * maintain 当前城市维护中,点击关闭弹窗 * timeout token过期,点击关闭页面 */ function showDialog(type) { var mask = $('.mask');; $('.dialog-wrapper input').val('确定'); $('.dialog-wrapper div').hide(); if (type === 'failed') { $('.dialog-failed').show(); $('.mask').addClass('bg-white').siblings().hide(); } else if (type === 'maintain') { $('.dialog-maintain').show(); } else if (type === 'timeout') { $('.dialog-timeout').show(); $('.dialog-wrapper input').val('关闭').click(function() { redirectToFailedReturnUrl(tid, 'failed', 1020, '无效的token, 会话不存在或已过期'); }) } else if (type === 'forget') { var html = '如果您忘记密码,需前往' + '公积金官网
重置密码' $('.dialog-forget').show(); $('.dialog-forget').find('p').html(html) $('.dialog-wrapper input').val('立即前往').click(function() { tips.find(function(item, index) { if(item.region == cityInfo.region){ if(item.URL.password){ retrievePwd = item.URL.password; // window.location.href=retrievePwd; window.webkit.messageHandlers.OutPushMessageHandler.postMessage({'name','url':retrievePwd}); }else{ retrievePwd = item.URL.web; // window.location.href=retrievePwd; window.webkit.messageHandlers.OutPushMessageHandler.postMessage({'name','url':retrievePwd}); } } }) }) } } /** * [enableCommitButton 启用/禁用提交按钮] * @param {Boolean} isEnableButton [是否启用提交按钮] */ function enableCommitButton(isEnableButton) { var commitButton = $('#submitButton'); if (isEnableButton) { commitButton.attr('disabled', false).removeClass('disable-commit').addClass('enable-commit'); } else { commitButton.attr('disabled', true).removeClass('enable-commit').addClass('disable-commit'); } } /** * [isInputReady 检查参数是否输入完毕] * @return {Boolean} [参数是否输入完毕] */ function isInputReady() { var isInputReady = true; var activeID = $('.tab-tab-active').attr('data-id'); $('.tab-content [data-id="' + activeID + '"]') .find('input') .each( function(index, item) { if ($(item).val().trim() === '') { isInputReady = false; } if (!$('.check').hasClass('check-active')) { isInputReady = false; } }) return isInputReady; } /** * [initEvent 初始化各种事件] */ function initEvent() { var tabs = $('.tab-tab'); var activeID = $('.tab-tab-active').attr('data-id'); // tab页切换 { var currItem = $(this); var currId = currItem.attr('data-id'); $('.tab-tab[data-id="' + currId + '"]').addClass('tab-tab-active').siblings().removeClass('tab-tab-active'); $('.tab-content div[data-id=' + currId + ']').show().siblings().hide(); enableCommitButton(isInputReady()); }) // 监测用户输入来设置提交按钮的状态 $('.tab-content').on('keyup', function() { enableCommitButton(isInputReady()); }) // 确定按钮点击事件 $('#closeMask').click(function(event) { $('.mask').removeClass('bg-white').hide().siblings().show(); $('#tid').hide(); $('.alert-info').hide(); $('.loading-wrapper').hide(); }) // 解析协议checkBox选中/取消选中事件 $('.check').click(function() { var currentItem = $(this); if (currentItem.hasClass('check-active')) { enableCommitButton(false); currentItem.removeClass('check-active'); } else { currentItem.addClass('check-active'); enableCommitButton(isInputReady()); } }) // 提交按钮点击事件 $('#submitButton').click(function() { if (isInputValid()) { submitTask(); } }); // 导航栏左上角退出H5的点击事件 $('#back').click(function() { // redirectToFailedReturnUrl(tid, 'failed', 1020, '退出公积金查询页'); // window.history.go(-1) window.webkit.messageHandlers.PopRootMessageHandler.postMessage({name:"1"}); }) } /** * [getLoginInfo 获取城市登录信息] */ function getLoginInfo() { var regionCode = $('.city-name').attr('data-code'); $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: BASEURL + 'city_list?type=fund&token=' + token + '®ionCode=' + regionCode + '&time=' + Math.round( / 1000), // url: '../../city_list?type=fund&token=' + token + '®ionCode=' + regionCode + '&time=' + Math.round( / 1000), contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8', success: function(data) { cityInfo = data; console.log('data') console.log(data) return renderLoginInfo(data); }, error: function(err) { // return showMsg('获取城市信息失败:' + JSON.stringify(err)); return showMsg('获取城市信息失败:' + + '公积金查询'); } }); } /** * [renderLoginInfo 渲染城市登录信息] * @param {[type]} cityInfo [城市登录信息] */ function renderLoginInfo(cityInfo) { var tabWrapper = $('.tab-tab-wrapper'); var tabConWrapper = $('.tab-content'); var tabsHtmlStr = ''; var tabConHtmlStr = ''; $('.city-name').text(cityInfo.region).attr('data-code', cityInfo.regionCode); // $('.choose-city a').attr('href', './choose_city.html?name=' + cityInfo.region + '&code=' + cityInfo.regionCode + (token ? ('&token=' + token) : '')); $('nav span a').attr('href', './choose_city.html?name=' + cityInfo.region + '&code=' + cityInfo.regionCode + (token ? ('&token=' + token) : '')); $('.obtainPwd a').attr('href', './queryHelp.html?name=' + cityInfo.region + '&code=' + cityInfo.regionCode + (token ? ('&token=' + token) : '') + '&httpStr=' + httpStr); for (var index in cityInfo.loginTypes) { var loginType = cityInfo.loginTypes[index]; if (index === '0') { tabsHtmlStr += '

' + loginType.loginLabel + '

'; tabConHtmlStr += '
'; } else { tabsHtmlStr += '

' + loginType.loginLabel + '

'; tabConHtmlStr += '
'; } for (var loginField of loginType.loginFields) { var type = ''; var placeStr = ''; if ('联名卡')) { placeStr = '请输入公积金联名卡号'; } else if ('身份证')) { placeStr = '首次查询请选择联名卡号'; } else if ('密码')) { placeStr = '请输入密码'; type = 'password'; } if('密码')){ tabConHtmlStr += '
'; }else{ tabConHtmlStr += '
'; } } tabConHtmlStr += '
'; } tabWrapper.html(tabsHtmlStr); tabConWrapper.html(tabConHtmlStr); renderTips($('.city-name').text()); initEvent(); // 各种事件绑定 checkToken(); } //点击忘记密码按钮 function forgetEvent () { showDialog('forget') } /** * [isInputValid 校验输入信息是否合法] * @return {Boolean} [输入信息是否合法] */ function isInputValid() { var isInputValid = true; var activeID = $('.tab-tab-active').attr('data-id'); $('.tab-content [data-id="' + activeID + '"]') .find('input') .each( function(index, item) { var currentEle = $(item); // 通过label标签里面的文本来判断输入项的类型 // 例如: // 身份证号: var labelText = currentEle.parent().find('label').text().replace(':', ''); var value = currentEle.val(); var reg = null; if (labelText && labelText.includes('身份证')) { reg = /(^[1-9]\d{5}(18|19|([23]\d))\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{3}[0-9Xx]$)|(^[1-9]\d{5}\d{2}((0[1-9])|(10|11|12))(([0-2][1-9])|10|20|30|31)\d{2}$)/; if (!reg.test(value)) { showMsg('身份证输入格式不正确'); isInputValid = false; return false; } } if (labelText && (labelText.includes('电话') || labelText.includes('手机'))) { reg = /^1[3456879]\d{9}$/; if (!reg.test(value)) { showMsg('电话(手机)号码输入格式不正确') isInputValid = false; return false; } } if (labelText && labelText.includes('公积金')) { reg = /^\d+$/; if (!reg.test(value)) { showMsg('公积金账号输入格式不正确') isInputValid = false; return false; } } if (labelText && labelText.includes('联名卡')) { reg = /^\d+$/; if (!reg.test(value)) { showMsg('联名卡输入格式不正确') isInputValid = false; return false; } } }) return isInputValid; } /** * [checkToken 校验token信息] */ function checkToken() { var getTokenInfo = $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: BASEURL + 'token?token=' + token + '&time=' + Math.round( / 1000), // url: '../../token?token=' + token + '&time=' + Math.round( / 1000), timeout: 30000, contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8' }); getTokenInfo.done(function(data) { if (data.returnUrl && !returnUrl) { window.sessionStorage.isTokenValid = true; returnUrl = data.returnUrl; } if (data.appName) { var agreementLink = $('.agreement-wrapper a'); agreementLink.attr('href', agreementLink.attr('href') + '?appName=' + data.appName); } if (data.region && data.loginLabel && data.inputData) { // 防止每次刷新都提交任务 if (!window.sessionStorage.tid) { var task = { type: 'fund', region: data.region, loginLabel: data.loginLabel, inputData: JSON.parse(data.inputData), } return submitTask(task); } } if (data.tid) { $("#tid").val(data.tid); tid = data.tid; autoInputTaskInfo(); checkTaskStatus(data.tid); } }); { window.sessionStorage.isTokenValid = false; enableCommitButton(false); if (error.responseJSON.code === 1020) { showDialog('timeout'); } else { showMsg(error.responseJSON.error); } }); } /** * [submitTask 提交查询任务] * @param {[type]} data [查询任务相关参数] */ function submitTask(data) { showLoading(true); var url = BASEURL + "task?token=" + token + "&time=" + Math.round( / 1000); // var url = "../../task?token=" + token + "&time=" + Math.round( / 1000); var task = data || getTaskInfo(); data ? null : saveTaskInfo(); var posting = $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: JSON.stringify(task), timeout: 30000, contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8' }); posting.done(function(task) { tid = task.tid; $("#tid").val(task.tid); // for next submit window.sessionStorage.tid = tid; checkTaskStatus(task.tid); }); { showLoading(false); if (error.responseJSON.code === 1029) { showDialog('maintain'); } else if (error.responseJSON.code === 1011) { showMsg('身份证输入不正确'); } else if (error.responseJSON.code === 1020) { showDialog('timeout'); } else { showDialog('failed'); } }); } /** * [getTaskInfo 获取提交任务所需参数] * @return {[Object]} [提交任务所需参数] */ function getTaskInfo() { var task = {}; var activeID = $('.tab-tab-active').attr('data-id'); task.region = $('.city-name').attr('data-code'); task.loginLabel = $(".tab-tab-active").text().trim(); task.inputData = []; // 完整记录用户输入信息 $("div[data-id='" + activeID + "'] input").each(function(index, item) { var currEle = $(item); task.inputData.push({ key: currEle.attr('id'), value: currEle.val() }) }) if ($("#tid").val()) { task.tid = $("#tid").val(); } else { task.type = 'fund'; } return task; } /** * [saveTaskInfo 保存提交用户输入的信息在sessionStorage中,用于用户刷新后数据回填] */ function saveTaskInfo() { var ss = window.sessionStorage; var activeID = $('.tab-tab-active').attr('data-id'); ss.activeID = activeID; var inputList = $('div [data-id="' + activeID + '"] input'); inputList.each(function(index, item) { var currentEle = $(item); ss[currentEle.attr('id')] = currentEle.val(); }) } /** * [autoInputTaskInfo 用于用户刷新后从sessionStorage中拿到数据数据回填] */ function autoInputTaskInfo() { var ss = window.sessionStorage; var activeID = $('.tab-tab-active').attr('data-id'); if (ss.activeID && (activeID !== ss.activeID)) { $('.tab-tab[data-id="' + ss.activeID + '"]').addClass('tab-tab-active').siblings().removeClass('tab-tab-active'); $('.tab-content div[data-id=' + ss.activeID + ']').show().siblings().hide(); } $("#tid").val(ss.tid); tid = ss.tid; for (var key in ss) { var currentEle = $("div [data-id='" + ss.activeID + "'] #" + key); currentEle.length > 0 ? currentEle.val(ss[key]) : null; } enableCommitButton(isInputReady()); } /** * [checkTaskStatus 轮询任务状态] * @param {[type]} tid [tid] */ function checkTaskStatus(tid) { var url = BASEURL + 'task?tid=' + tid + '&token=' + token + '&time=' + Math.round( / 1000); // var url = '../../task?tid=' + tid + '&token=' + token + '&time=' + Math.round( / 1000); var getting = $.get(url); { showMsg(error.responseJSON.error); }); getting.done(function(task) { if (task.status === 'done') { process.stop(100); $("#tid").val(''); showLoading(false); redirectToSucsessReturnUrl(task.tid, 'success'); return; } if (task.status === "processing") { if ($('.loading-wrapper').css('display') === 'none') { showLoading(true); } setTimeout(function() { checkTaskStatus(tid); }, 1000); return; } if (task.status === "failed") { process.stop(100); tid = ''; $("#tid").val(''); showLoading(false); window.sessionStorage.clear(); if (task.failCode === 1029) { showDialog('maintain'); } else { showDialog('failed'); } return; } if (task.status == "suspended") { process.stop(0); showLoading(false); enableCommitButton(false); switch (task.need) { case 'changeLoginType': // 无记录,请尝试切换登录类型 case 'regionOrLogintype': // 请选择地区信息 | 请选择登录类型 | 请选择补充地区信息 | 该地区不支持公积金 | 发送的fundId或loginTypeId错误 // 你不是本地用户,请选择所属地区进行登录 | 所选的城市暂不支持,请选择其它城市登录 showMsg('你不是本地用户,请选择所属地区进行登录'); break; case 'accountOrpassword': showMsg('账号或密码输入错误'); break; case 'parameterError': showMsg('输入的信息有误'); break; default: showMsg(task.need); break; } } }); } /** * [showLoading 显示loading界面] * @param {Boolean} isShow [description] */ function showLoading(isShow) { if (isShow) { // 防止页面刷新之后进度从0开始 if (window.sessionStorage.processRate) { process.start(parseInt(window.sessionStorage.processRate)); } else { process.start(0); } $('.loading-wrapper').show().siblings().hide(); $('html').addClass('bg-white'); } else { process.stop(0); $('html').removeClass('bg-white'); $('.loading-wrapper').hide().siblings().show(); } } /** * [redirectToFailedReturnUrl 跳到redirectURL] */ function redirectToFailedReturnUrl(tid, result, failCode, reason) { if (returnUrl.indexOf('?') < 0) { returnUrl += "?result=" + result + "&tid=" + tid + "&token=" + token + "&failCode=" + failCode + "&reason=" + reason; } else { returnUrl += "&result=" + result + "&tid=" + tid + "&token=" + token + "&failCode=" + failCode + "&reason=" + reason; } window.sessionStorage.clear(); window.location.href = returnUrl; } /** * [redirectToSucsessReturnUrl 跳到redirectURL] */ function redirectToSucsessReturnUrl(tid, result) { if (returnUrl.indexOf('?') < 0) { returnUrl += "?result=" + result + "&tid=" + tid + "&token=" + token; } else { returnUrl += "&result=" + result + "&tid=" + tid + "&token=" + token; } window.sessionStorage.clear(); window.location.href = returnUrl; } /** * [renderTips 渲染常见问题] * @param {[type]} region [description] */ function renderTips(region) { var tipStr = "


"; var defaultTip = null; var defaultRegion = '北京'; var tipContent = tips.find(function(item, index) { if (item.region === defaultRegion) { defaultTip = item; } return item.region === region; }); if (!tipContent) { tipContent = defaultTip; // 默认北京 } tipContent = tipContent.tip; for (var list of tipContent) { tipStr += "

" + list.title + "

"; if (list.content) { for (var tip of list.content) { tipStr += "

" + tip + "

" } } } $('.tips').html(tipStr); } /** * [Process 任务进度显示] */ function Process(opt) { this.ele = opt.ele; this.rate = 0; this.afterStart = opt.afterStart; this.afterStop = opt.afterStop; this.timer = null; this.step = null; this._getInterval = function() { return Math.round((Math.random() * 100) + 300); }; this._getStep = function() { return Math.round(Math.random() * 3); }; } Process.prototype.start = function(rate) { this.rate = rate == undefined ? this.rate : rate; let _this = this; let interval = this._getInterval(); this.timer = setInterval(function() { interval = _this._getInterval(); _this.step = _this._getStep(); _this.afterStart &&; }, interval); } Process.prototype.stop = function(rate) { this.rate = rate == undefined ? this.rate : rate; clearInterval(this.timer); this.afterStop && this.afterStop(); } var process = new Process({ ele: $('.process'), interval: 1000, afterStart: function() { this.rate += this.step; if (this.rate >= 97) { this.rate = 99; this.stop(this.rate); } this.ele.text(this.rate + '%'); window.sessionStorage.processRate = this.rate; }, afterStop: function() { this.ele.text(this.rate + '%'); window.sessionStorage.processRate = this.rate; } })